miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

This is all that matters.


Es una herramienta de gran utilidad y versatilidad para realizar conferencias en línea, multiusuario, y sobre todo es gratuita. Presta servicio de audio, video, permite compartir cualquier tipo de archivo y permite tomar notas de la sesión en texto o en audio. Con esta aplicación se podrán hacer varias actividades que se han vuelto comunes en el desarrollo de las TIC´s: chat en vivo, Interacción a través de Webcam (limitado a pocos participantes), platicar en tiempo real con micrófono y bocinas o unos auriculares, compartir pantalla en tiempo real, controlar la reunión en presentaciones o participaciones, dejar notificaciones por escrito y podcast, compartir archivos diversos, compartir videos online y url´s de otros sitios, etc.

Puede encontrar tutoriales para aprender a utilizarlo en las siguientes direcciones:

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domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013


Recuesos de la radiología en la web.

Scoliosis occurs relatively frequently in the general population, and its frequency depends upon the magnitude of the curve being described. Scoliosis of greater than 25 degrees has been reported in about 1.5/1000 persons in the United States. Most curves can be treated nonoperatively if they are detected before they become too severe. However, 60 % of curvatures in rapidly growing prepubertal children will progress. Therefore, scoliosis screening is done in schools across America and several other countries. This screening is probably not necessary until the fifth grade. Beyond that point, boys and girls should be examined every 6 - 9 months. Generally, curvatures less than 30 degrees will not progress after the child is skeletally mature. Once this has been established, scoliosis screening and monitoring can usually be stopped. However, with greater curvatures, the curvature may progress at about 1 degree per year in adults. In this population, monitoring should be continued.

A large, right-sided pneumothorax has occurred from a rupture of a subpleural bleb.
Pneumothorax, the presence of air within the pleural space, is considered to be one of the most common forms of thoracic disease. It is classified as spontaneous (not caused by trauma), traumatic, or iatrogenic (see the images below)

Spontaneous pneumothorax may be either primary (occurring in persons without clinically or radiologically apparent lung disease) or secondary (in which lung disease is present and apparent). Most individuals with primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) have unrecognized lung disease; many observations suggest that spontaneous pneumothorax often results from rupture of a subpleural bleb.
Traumatic pneumothorax is caused by penetrating or blunt trauma to the chest, with air entering the pleural space directly through the chest wall, through visceral pleural penetration, or through alveolar rupture resulting from sudden compression of the chest.
Iatronic pneumothorax results from a complication of a diagnostic or therapeutic intervention. With the increasing use of invasive diagnostic procedures, iatrogenic pneumothorax likely will become more common, although most cases are of little clinical significance.


Head CT with and without contrast shows a rim-enhancing right frontoparietal lesion with surrounding edema. There is no significant mass effect.


Cysticercosis begins with ingestion of Taenia solium worm eggs from undercooked pork. Gastrointestinal absorption leads to hematogenous dissemination and any organ or tissue can be subsequently seeded.
The two forms of cysticercosis from an imaging perspective are inactive and active. Inactive disease manifests as multiple 1 cm or less parenchymal calcifications. Organisms are no longer viable at this stage.
Active disease represents the imaging manfiestations of viable and degenerating parasites and is subdivided into vesicular, colloidal, and granular stages. The vesicular stage is represented by multiple well-defined parenchymal cysts at the gray-white matter junction with a possible muralnodule.
During the colloidal stage, the cyst contentsbecome higher than CSF density. During the granular stage, the cyst begins to collapse, surrounding edema develops, and there is intense enhancement of the cyst walls.
Our case is therefore an example of a single lesion of neurocysticercosis in the granular stage.

Artículos de los distintos buscadores.

Aqui les dejo articulos de los diferentes buscadores:

Yale Image Finder:

Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in the United States, and as patients at the extremes of morbid obesity come under the care of surgeons, routine procedures may become increasingly complex in the face of greater body mass. We prospectively evaluated the success rate of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) placement in a group of morbidly obese patients outside the current classification systems used to stratify obesity.

FindZebra: A Search Engine That Diagnoses Rare Diseases

The Danish researchers behind FindZebra would not be happy about my title as they published a warning on the top of their search engine with the message: “This is a research project to be used only by medical professionals.” This search engine only uses medical databases similarly to SciencerollSearch and named the rare disease correctly after entering the symptoms 67%  of the time, compared to 32% using Google.
I think educating both patients and medical professionals about the proper use of search engines and operators would provide even better results.


Se conoce con el nombre de síndrome de Cushing a la situación que se produce como consecuencia de una aumento mantenido de la producción del cortisol por las glándulas suprarrenales o por la toma excesiva de derivados de la cortisona, en cuyo caso recibe el nombre de síndrome de Cushing yatrogénico. 


The second version of the practice guideline 'Sore throat' has been updated from the 1999 version. --Infections of the throat generally cure spontaneously within 7 days. In most cases the sore throat is caused by a virus. Group A beta-haemolytic streptococci (GABHS) are the most important bacterial cause ofa sore throat. --In diagnostics, the main focus is placed on evaluating how sick the patient is in general.

Presentamos dos casos con diagnóstico de púrpura trombocitopénica trombótica idiopática refractarios al tratamiento con recambio plasmático y en los cuales fue necesario emplear un tratamiento adicional. En uno de los casos hubo una adecuada respuesta con rituximab. También analizamos el papel de los niveles de ADAMTS 13 para el manejo y diagnóstico de esta enfermedad.

Abstract:The "ABCD IS diabetes" mnemonic can help you follow the latest recommendations from the American Diabetes Association.

Work hard :)

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

PubMed y My NCBI

5 artículos actualizados (2010 y 2013)

Utilizando el DeCs


a.       Insuficiencia renal crónica:

b.      Ictericia obstructiva:

c.       Insuficiencia ventricular izquierda:

d.        Insuficiencia arterial periférica: